#!/bin/ksh93 # # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Roland Mainz # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # # mount_sshnfs - mount NFSv4 filesystem through ssh tunnel # # # Example usage: # # 1. UNIX/Linux: Mount&&unmount /export/home/rmainz on NFS server "/export/home/rmainz": # $ mkdir -p /foobarmnt # $ ksh mount_sshnfs.ksh mount ssh+nfs://rmainz@derfwpc5131//export/home/rmainz /foobarmnt # $ mount_sshnfs.ksh umount /foobarmnt # # # 2. UNIX/Linux: Mount&&unmount /export/home/rmainz on NFS server "/export/home/rmainz" via SSH jumphost rmainz@ # $ mkdir -p /foobarmnt # $ ksh mount_sshnfs.ksh mount -o ro,mount_sshnfs_jumphost=rmainz@ ssh+nfs://rmainz@derfwpc5131//export/home/rmainz /foobarmnt # $ mount_sshnfs.ksh umount /foobarmnt # # # For more examples see help and subcommand help: # $ mount_sshnfs --man # $ mount_sshnfs mount --man # $ mount_sshnfs umount --man # # # Written by Roland Mainz # function usage { (( OPTIND=0 )) getopts -a "${1}" "${2}" OPT '-?' return 2 } # # simple netstat -n parser # function netstat_list_connections { set -o nounset nameref data=$1 compound out=( typeset stdout stderr ; integer res ) out.stderr="${ { out.stdout="${ LC_ALL='POSIX' PATH='/usr/bin:/bin' netstat -a -n ; (( out.res=$? )) ; }" ; } 2>&1 ; }" if (( out.res != 0 )) ; then print -u2 -f $"%s: netstat returned %d exit code.\n" \ "$0" out.res return 1 fi if [[ "${out.stderr}" != '' ]] ; then # # Handle known Linux netstat warnings # if [[ "${out.stderr}" != $'warning, got bogus unix line.' ]] ; then print -u2 -f $"%s: netstat returned unknown error message %q.\n" \ "$0" "${out.stderr}" return 1 fi fi typeset -a data.connections typeset l typeset leftover integer dci=0 # data.connections array index while read l ; do leftover="${l/~(Elrx) (?: # non-capturing group # # regex group for tcp,udp # (tcp|tcp6|udp|udp6|raw|raw6|sctp|sctp6) # Proto [[:space:]]+ ([[:digit:]]+) # Recv-Q [[:space:]]+ ([[:digit:]]+) # Send-Q [[:space:]]+ ([^[:space:]]+) # Local Address [[:space:]]+ ([^[:space:]]+) # Foreign Address (?: | [[:space:]]+ ([^[:space:]]*?) # State (Optional) ) | # # regex for unix # (unix) # Proto [[:space:]]+ ([[:digit:]]+) # RefCnt [[:space:]]+ (\[.+?\]) # Flags [[:space:]]+ ([^[:space:]]+) # Type [[:space:]]+ ([^[:space:]]*?) # State (optional) [[:space:]]+ ([[:digit:]]+) # I-Node (?: | [[:space:]]+ ([^[:space:]]+) # Path (optional) ) ) /X}" # If the regex above did not match then .sh.match # remains untouched, so we might see data from the # previous round. # So we check the "leftover" var whether it just # contains the dummy value of "X" to indicate a # successful regex match if [[ "$leftover" == 'X' ]] ; then #print -v .sh.match if [[ "${.sh.match[1]-}" != '' ]] ; then nameref dcn=data.connections[$dci] typeset dcn.proto="${.sh.match[1]}" typeset dcn.recv_q="${.sh.match[2]}" typeset dcn.send_q="${.sh.match[3]}" typeset dcn.local_address="${.sh.match[4]}" typeset dcn.foreign_address="${.sh.match[5]}" typeset dcn.state="${.sh.match[6]}" ((dci++)) elif [[ "${.sh.match[7]-}" != '' ]] ; then nameref dcn=data.connections[$dci] typeset dcn.proto="${.sh.match[7]}" typeset dcn.refcnt="${.sh.match[8]}" typeset dcn.flags="${.sh.match[9]}" typeset dcn.type="${.sh.match[10]}" [[ "${.sh.match[11]}" != '' ]] && typeset dcn.state="${.sh.match[11]}" typeset dcn.inode="${.sh.match[12]}" [[ "${.sh.match[13]}" != '' ]] && typeset dcn.path="${.sh.match[13]}" ((dci++)) fi else true #printf $"leftover=%q\n" "${leftover}" fi done <<<"${out.stdout}" return 0 } function netstat_list_active_local_tcp_connections { set -o nounset nameref ar=$1 compound c integer port integer i netstat_list_connections c || return 1 #print -v c [[ -v ar ]] || integer -a ar for i in "${!c.connections[@]}" ; do nameref n=c.connections[$i] # look for only for TCP connections which match # 127.0.*.* or IPv6 ::1 for localhost # or IPv6 :: for all addresses (e.g. servers) if [[ "${n.proto}" == ~(El)tcp && \ "${n.local_address}" == ~(Elr)((127\.0\..+|::1)|(::|0\.0\.0\.0|)):[[:digit:]]+ ]] ; then port="${n.local_address##*:}" #printf $"port = %d\n" port (( ar[port]=1 )) fi done return 0 } function netstat_find_next_free_local_tcp_port { set -o nounset compound c=( integer -a ar ) nameref ret_free_port=$1 integer start_port integer end_port integer i netstat_list_active_local_tcp_connections c.ar || return 1 #print -v c (( start_port=$2 )) if (( $# > 2 )) ; then (( end_port=$3 )) else (( end_port=65535 )) fi for ((i=start_port ; i < end_port ; i++ )) ; do if [[ ! -v c.ar[i] ]] ; then (( ret_free_port=i )) return 0 fi done return 1 } function urldecodestr { nameref out=$1 typeset s="$2" # # build format string for printf(1) ... # # quote backslashes s="${s//$'\\'/$'\\\\'}" # urldecode '+' to ' ' s="${s//+/ }" # urldecode % s="${s//~(E)(?:%([[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]))/\\x[\1]}" # quote any remaining "%" to make it safe for printf(1) s="${s//%/%%}" # # ... and then let printf(1) do the formatting # out="${ printf "$s" ; }" return 0 } # # parse_rfc1738_url - parse RFC 1838 URLs # # Output variables are named after RFC 1838 Section 5 ("BNF for # specific URL schemes") # function parse_rfc1738_url { set -o nounset typeset url="$2" typeset leftover nameref data="$1" # output compound variable typeset url_param_str # ~(E) is POSIX extended regular expression matching (instead # of shell pattern), "x" means "multiline", "l" means "left # anchor", "r" means "right anchor" leftover="${url/~(Elrx) (.+?) # scheme :\/\/ # '://' ( # login (?: (.+?) # user (optional) (?::(.+))? # password (optional) @ )? ( # hostport (.+?) # host (?::([[:digit:]]+))? # port (optional) ) ) (?:\/(.*?))? # path (optional) (?:\?(.*?))? # URL parameters (optional) /X}" # All parsed data should be captured via eregex in .sh.match - if # there is anything left (except the 'X') then the input string did # not properly match the eregex [[ "$leftover" == 'X' ]] || { print -u2 -f $"%s: Parser error, leftover=%q\n" \ "$0" "$leftover" ; return 1 ; } data.url="${.sh.match[0]}" data.scheme="${.sh.match[1]}" data.login="${.sh.match[2]}" # FIXME: This should use [[ ! -v .sh.match[3] ]], but ksh93u has bugs [[ "${.sh.match[3]-}" != '' ]] && data.user="${.sh.match[3]}" [[ "${.sh.match[4]-}" != '' ]] && data.password="${.sh.match[4]}" data.hostport="${.sh.match[5]}" data.host="${.sh.match[6]}" [[ "${.sh.match[7]-}" != '' ]] && integer data.port="${.sh.match[7]}" [[ "${.sh.match[8]-}" != '' ]] && data.uripath="${.sh.match[8]}" if [[ "${.sh.match[9]-}" != '' ]] ; then compound -a data.parameters url_param_str="${.sh.match[9]-}" while [[ "$url_param_str" != '' ]] ; do leftover="${url_param_str/~(Elrx)(?:(.+?)(?:=(.+?))?)(?:&(.*))?/X}" # save matches because urldecodestr uses .sh.match, too typeset dp_name="${.sh.match[1]-}" typeset dp_value="${.sh.match[2]-}" typeset dp_next="${.sh.match[3]-}" urldecodestr dp_name "${dp_name}" urldecodestr dp_value "${dp_value}" data.parameters+=( name="${dp_name}" value="${dp_value}" ) # next parameter url_param_str="${dp_next}" done fi if [[ -v data.uripath ]] ; then urldecodestr data.path "${data.uripath}" fi return 0 } function parse_sshnfs_url { typeset url="$2" nameref data="$1" parse_rfc1738_url data "$url" || return 1 [[ "${data.scheme}" == ~(Elr)(ssh\+nfs|nfs) ]] || \ { print -u2 -f $"%s: Not a nfs:// or ssh+nfs:// url\n" "$0" ; return 1 ; } [[ "${data.host}" != '' ]] || { print -u2 -f $"%s: NFS hostname missing\n" "$0" ; return 1 ; } [[ "${data.uripath}" != '' ]] || { print -u2 -f $"%s: NFS path missing\n" "$0" ; return 1 ; } [[ "${data.uripath}" == /* ]] || { print -u2 -f $"%s: NFS path (%q) must be absolute\n" "$0" "${data.uripath}" ; return 1 ; } [[ "${data.uripath}" != //* ]] || { print -u2 -f $"%s: NFS path (%q) should not start with '//' \n" "$0" "${data.uripath}" ; return 1 ; } return 0 } function mountpoint2configfilename { nameref configfilename=$1 typeset mountpoint="$2" # # FIXME: # - We should urlencode more than just '/' # - We should strip the leading '/' # - We should use realpath(1) for mountpoints here # # .cpv means ComPound Variable" configfilename="/tmp/mount_sshnfs/${mountpoint//\//%2f}.cpv" return 0 } function kernel_supports_nfs42_client { typeset s='' if [[ "$(uname -s)" == 'Linux' ]] ; then if [[ -r '/proc/config.gz' ]] ; then s="$(gunzip -c <'/proc/config.gz' | egrep -v '^[[:space:]]*#')" elif [[ -r "/boot/config-$(uname -r)" ]] ; then s="$( egrep -v '^[[:space:]]*#' "/boot/config-$(uname -r)")" fi if [[ "$s" == *CONFIG_NFS_V4_2=y* ]] ; then return 0 fi return 1 else # FIXME: Add more OS support true fi return 2 } function cmd_mount { set -o nounset nameref c=$1 # fixme: Need better text layout for $ mount_sshnfs mount --man # typeset -r mount_sshnfs_cmdmount_usage=$'+ [-?\n@(#)\$Id: mount_sshnfs mount (Roland Mainz) 2024-11-25 \$\n] [-author?Roland Mainz ] [+NAME?mount_sshnfs mount - mount NFSv4 filesystem through ssh tunnel] [+DESCRIPTION?\bmount_sshnfs mount\b mounts a NFSv4 filesystem through a ssh tunnel.] [r:readonly?Mount file system readonly.] [w:readwrite?Mount file system read-write.] [o:options?Use the specified mount options. The opts argument is a comma-separated list.\n options starting with mount_sshnfs_jumphost_* will be consumed by mount_sshnfs, all other options will be passed through to mount.nfs.]:[options]{ [+?mount_sshnfs options are:]{ [+?-o mount_sshnfs_jumphost=user@host:port - ssh jumphost] [+?-o mount_sshnfs_local_forward_port=port - local TCP port for SSH-forwarded NFS connection to server. Defaults is to use netstat(1) to find a free TCP port] } } url mountpoint [+NOTES?]{ [+?The original CITI Windows NFSv4 nfs_mount.exe does not support the port= option.\nUse -o mount_sshnfs_local_forward_port=2049 as workaround. Newer versions from https://github.com/kofemann/ms-nfs41-client support the -o port=... option.] } [+SEE ALSO?\bksh93\b(1),\bssh\b(1),\bmount.nfs\b(8),\bnfs\b(5)] ' typeset mydebug=false # fixme: should be "bool" for ksh93v typeset c.url typeset c.mountpoint typeset config_filename typeset -a c.mount_nfs_options integer i integer saved_optind_m1 # saved OPTIND-1 typeset s # generic temporary string variable # remove subcmd name (in this case 'mount') unset c.args[0] # # Expand MOUNT_SSHNFS_CMDMOUNT_OPTIONS before arguments given to # mount_sshnfs.ksh. # By default we use IFS=$' \t\n' for argument splitting # c.args=( ${MOUNT_SSHNFS_CMDMOUNT_OPTIONS-} "${c.args[@]}" ) # # Argument parsing # while getopts -a "${progname} mount" "${mount_sshnfs_cmdmount_usage}" OPT "${c.args[@]}" ; do case "${OPT}" in 'r') c.mount_nfs_options+=( 'ro' ) ;; 'w') c.mount_nfs_options+=( 'rw' ) ;; 'o') # # Split options like "-o foo=bar,baz=BAM" # into "-o foo=bar -o baz=BAM" for easier # processing below IFS=$',' c.mount_nfs_options=( "${c.mount_nfs_options[@]}" ${OPTARG} ) IFS=$' \t\n' ;; *) usage "${progname} mount" "${mount_sshnfs_cmdmount_usage}" return $? ;; esac done (( saved_optind_m1=OPTIND-1 )) # remove options we just parsed from c.args for ((i=0 ; i < saved_optind_m1 ; i++)) ; do unset c.args[$i] done # # Get remaining arguments # c.url="${c.args[saved_optind_m1+0]-}" c.mountpoint="${c.args[saved_optind_m1+1]-}" # # Filter out our options, other options are passed to mount.nfs # for ((i=0 ; i < ${#c.mount_nfs_options[@]} ; i++)) ; do s="${c.mount_nfs_options[$i]}" # # Intercept options starting with eregex mount_sshnfs.+ # if [[ "$s" == ~(Elr)mount_sshnfs.+=.+ ]] ; then case "$s" in ~(Eli)mount_sshnfs_jumphost=) [[ ! -v c.ssh_jumphost_args ]] && typeset -a c.ssh_jumphost_args c.ssh_jumphost_args+=( "-J" "${c.mount_nfs_options[i]/~(Eli)mount_sshnfs_jumphost=}" ) ;; ~(Eli)mount_sshnfs_local_forward_port=) # command(1) prevents that the shell interpreter # exits if typeset produces a syntax error command integer c.local_forward_port="${c.mount_nfs_options[i]/~(Eli)mount_sshnfs_local_forward_port=}" || return 1 ;; *) usage "${progname} mount" "${mount_sshnfs_cmdmount_usage}" return $? ;; esac unset c.mount_nfs_options[$i] fi done # # Parse url # parse_sshnfs_url c.nfs_server "${c.url}" || return 1 mountpoint2configfilename config_filename "${c.mountpoint}" if [[ -f "${config_filename}" ]] ; then print -u2 -f $"%s: Config file %q for mount point %q found.\n" \ "$0" \ "$config_filename" \ "${c.mountpoint}" return 1 fi # # Prechecks for writing the config file # mkdir -p '/tmp/mount_sshnfs/' if [[ ! -w '/tmp/mount_sshnfs/' ]] ; then print -u2 -f $"%s: mount_nfs data directory %q not writeable.\n" \ "$0" \ '/tmp/mount_sshnfs/' return 1 fi ${mydebug} && print -v c case "${c.nfs_server.scheme}" in 'ssh+nfs') # # Find free local forwarding port # # Note: Original CITI ms-nfsv41 client # nfs_mount.exe # does not support -o port=..., so we set a default # here if it was not set yet if (( c.is_ccygwin == 1 )) && [[ ! -v c.local_forward_port ]] ; then integer c.local_forward_port=2049 fi # port on THIS machine if [[ ! -v c.local_forward_port ]] ; then integer c.local_forward_port (( i=34049 )) if ! netstat_find_next_free_local_tcp_port c.local_forward_port $i ; then print -u2 -f "%s: netstat_find_next_free_local_tcp_port failed.\n" "$0" return 1 fi fi c.ssh_control_socket_name="/tmp/mount_sshnfs/mount_sshnfs_ssh-control-socket_logname${LOGNAME}_ppid${PPID}_pid$$" # # Find SSH login user name for NFS server # if [[ -v c.nfs_server.user ]] ; then typeset c.nfsserver_ssh_login_name="${c.nfs_server.user}" fi # fixme: Implement NFSServerSSHLoginName if [[ ! -v c.nfsserver_ssh_login_name ]] ; then # default user name if neither URL nor # "-o NFSServerSSHLoginName=..." were given typeset c.nfsserver_ssh_login_name="$LOGNAME" fi # # Forward NFS port from server to local machine # # Notes: # - We use $ ssh -M ... # here as a way to terminate the port # forwarding process later using "-O exit" without the need # for a pid # print -u2 -f $"# Please enter the login data for NFS server (%s):\n" \ "${c.nfsserver_ssh_login_name}@${c.nfs_server.host}" # # Notes: # - fixme: c.nfs_server.port is fixed # for ssh+nfs://-URLs, so for now we # have to hardcode TCP/2049 for now # - We use aes128-cbc,aes128-ctr ciphers for better # throughput (see https://bash-prompt.net/guides/bash-ssh-ciphers/ # for a benchmark) and lower latency, as NFS is # a bit latency-sensitive # - We turn compression off, as it incrases latency # ssh \ -L "${c.local_forward_port}:localhost:2049" \ -M -S "${c.ssh_control_socket_name}" \ -N \ -f -o 'ExitOnForwardFailure=yes' \ -o 'Compression=no' \ -o 'Ciphers=aes128-cbc,aes128-ctr' \ "${c.ssh_jumphost_args[@]}" \ "${c.nfsserver_ssh_login_name}@${c.nfs_server.host}" if (( $? != 0 )) ; then print -u2 -f $"%s: NFS forwarding ssh failed with error code %d\n" "$0" $? return 1 fi # debug ${mydebug} && \ ssh \ -S "${c.ssh_control_socket_name}" \ -O 'check' \ "${c.nfsserver_ssh_login_name}@${c.nfs_server.host}" if (( c.is_ccygwin == 1 )) ; then # # Build argument list for nfs_mount.exe ... # typeset -a mount_args for s in "${c.mount_nfs_options[@]}" ; do mount_args+=( '-o' "$s" ) done if (( c.local_forward_port != 2049 )) ; then # # The original CITI NFSv4 nfs_mount.exe does not # support the port= option, so only set it # if we do not use the default port # mount_args+=( '-o' "port=${c.local_forward_port}" ) fi # fixme: can we remove -o sec=sys ? mount_args+=( '-o' 'sec=sys' ) # '*' == Let nfs_mount.exe should pick drive letter itself mount_args+=( '*' ) mount_args+=( "localhost:${c.nfs_server.uripath}" ) # # ... and do the mount # typeset stdout dummy # fixme: we should set LC_ALL=C because below we depend on # a l10n message stdout="${ "${c.msnfsv41_nfsmountcmd}" "${mount_args[@]}" ; (( retval=$? )) ;}" cat <<<"$stdout" if (( retval == 0 )) ; then # Parse stdout for drive letter dummy="${stdout/~(E)Successfully mounted (.+) to drive (?:\'|)(.+):(?:\'|)/dummy}" # fixme: we should test whether c.windows_drive_letter is empty or not typeset c.windows_drive_letter="${.sh.match[2]}" print -u2 -f $"%s: NFS filesystem mounted to drive %q.\n" \ "$0" "${c.windows_drive_letter}" # Cygwin mount mount -o posix=1,notexec,sparse "${c.windows_drive_letter}:" "${c.mountpoint}" fi else # # Build argument list for mount.nfs ... # typeset -a mount_args mount_args+=( '-vvv' ) mount_args+=( '-t' 'nfs' ) for s in "${c.mount_nfs_options[@]}" ; do mount_args+=( '-o' "$s" ) done if kernel_supports_nfs42_client ; then mount_args+=( '-o' 'vers=4.2' ) else # # some kernels (like WSL) have a # Linux 5.15.x kernel with NFSv4.2 # client support turned off # mount_args+=( '-o' 'vers=4.1' ) fi mount_args+=( '-o' "port=${c.local_forward_port}" ) mount_args+=( "localhost:${c.nfs_server.uripath}" ) mount_args+=( "${c.mountpoint}" ) # # ... and do the mount # mount "${mount_args[@]}" (( retval=$? )) fi if (( retval != 0 )) ; then # # Quit ssh port forwarding process # ssh \ -S "${c.ssh_control_socket_name}" \ -O 'exit' \ "${c.nfsserver_ssh_login_name}@${c.nfs_server.host}" return $retval fi # # Save status data # compound mnt_config=( typeset url="${c.url}" typeset mountpoint="${c.mountpoint}" typeset ssh_control_socket_name="${c.ssh_control_socket_name}" typeset nfsserver_ssh_login_name="${c.nfsserver_ssh_login_name}" typeset nfsserver_host="${c.nfs_server.host}" ) if (( c.is_ccygwin == 1 )) ; then typeset mnt_config.windows_drive_letter="${c.windows_drive_letter}" fi print -v mnt_config >"$config_filename" return 0 ;; # fixme: Implement nfs://-URLs *) print -u2 -f $"%s: Unknown URL scheme %q\n" "$0" "${c.nfs_server.scheme}" return 2 ;; esac # notreached } function cmd_umount { set -o nounset nameref c=$1 integer retval integer saved_optind_m1 # saved OPTIND-1 typeset mydebug=false # fixme: should be "bool" for ksh93v # fixme: Need better text layout for $ mount_sshnfs mount --man # typeset -r mount_sshnfs_cmdumount_usage=$'+ [-?\n@(#)\$Id: mount_sshnfs umount (Roland Mainz) 2024-11-25 \$\n] [-author?Roland Mainz ] [+NAME?mount_sshnfs umount - unmount NFSv4 filesystem mounted via mount_sshnfs mount] [+DESCRIPTION?\bmount_sshnfs umount\b unmounts a NFSv4 filesystem previously mounted via mount_sshnfs mount.] mountpoint [+SEE ALSO?\bksh93\b(1),\bssh\b(1),\bmount.nfs\b(8),\bnfs\b(5)] ' # remove subcmd name (in this case 'umount') unset c.args[0] # # Expand MOUNT_SSHNFS_CMDUMOUNT_OPTIONS before arguments given to # mount_sshnfs.ksh. # By default we use IFS=$' \t\n' for argument splitting # c.args=( ${MOUNT_SSHNFS_CMDUMOUNT_OPTIONS-} "${c.args[@]}" ) # # Argument parsing # while getopts -a "${progname} umount" "${mount_sshnfs_cmdumount_usage}" OPT "${c.args[@]}" ; do case "${OPT}" in *) usage "${progname} umount" "${mount_sshnfs_cmdumount_usage}" return $? ;; esac done (( saved_optind_m1=OPTIND-1 )) # remove options we just parsed from c.args for ((i=0 ; i < saved_optind_m1 ; i++)) ; do unset c.args[$i] done # # Get remaining arguments # c.mountpoint="${c.args[saved_optind_m1+0]-}" # # Read configuration file for this mountpoint # typeset config_filename mountpoint2configfilename config_filename "${c.mountpoint}" if [[ ! -f "${config_filename}" ]] ; then print -u2 -f $"%s: Config file %q for mount point %q not found.\n" \ "$0" \ "$config_filename" \ "${c.mountpoint}" return 1 fi compound mnt_config read -C mnt_config <"${config_filename}" || return 1 ${mydebug} && print -v mnt_config # # Do the unmount # if (( c.is_ccygwin == 1 )) ; then # unmount the NFS filesystem "${c.msnfsv41_nfsmountcmd}" -d "${mnt_config.windows_drive_letter}" (( retval=$? )) # remove the Cygwin mount (( retval == 0 )) && umount "${c.mountpoint}" else umount "${c.mountpoint}" (( retval=$? )) fi if (( retval != 0 )) ; then return $retval fi # # Quit ssh port forwarding process # ssh \ -S "${mnt_config.ssh_control_socket_name}" \ -O 'exit' \ "${mnt_config.nfsserver_ssh_login_name}@${mnt_config.nfsserver_host}" rm -f "${config_filename}" return 0 } function main { set -o nounset # fixme: Need better text layout for $ mount_sshnfs --man # typeset -r mount_sshnfs_usage=$'+ [-?\n@(#)\$Id: mount_sshnfs (Roland Mainz) 2024-11-25 \$\n] [-author?Roland Mainz ] [+NAME?mount_sshnfs - mount/umount NFSv4 filesystem via ssh tunnel] [+DESCRIPTION?\bmount_sshnfs\b mounts/unmounts a NFSv4 filesystem via ssh tunnel.] [D:debug?Enable debugging.] mount [options] umount [options] status [options] restart_forwarding [options] --man [+EXAMPLES]{ [+?Example 1:][+?Mount&&unmount /export/home/rmainz on NFS server "/export/home/rmainz"]{ [+\n# mkdir -p /foobarmnt # mount_sshnfs mount ssh+nfs:://rmainz@derfwpc5131//export/home/rmainz /foobarmnt # mount_sshnfs umount /foobarmnt ] } [+?Example 2:][+?Mount&&unmount /export/home/rmainz on NFS server "/export/home/rmainz" via SSH jumphost rmainz@]{ [+\n# mkdir -p /foobarmnt # mount_sshnfs mount -o ro,mount_sshnfs_jumphost=rmainz@ ssh+nfs:://rmainz@derfwpc5131//export/home/rmainz /foobarmnt # mount_sshnfs umount /foobarmnt ] } } [+SEE ALSO?\bksh93\b(1),\bssh\b(1),\bmount.nfs\b(8),\bnfs\b(5)] ' compound c typeset -a c.args integer saved_optind_m1 # saved OPTIND-1 if [[ "${ uname -o ;}" == 'Cygwin' ]] ; then integer c.is_ccygwin=1 # Cygwin has nfs_mount.exe in /sbin PATH+=':/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin' typeset c.msnfsv41_nfsmountcmd="$(which 'nfs_mount.exe')" if [[ ! -x "${c.msnfsv41_nfsmountcmd}" ]] ; then print -u2 -f $"%s: Cannot find MS-NFSV41 nfs_mount.exe command\n" "$0" return 1 fi else integer c.is_ccygwin=0 fi # Cygwin does not set logname [[ ! -v LOGNAME ]] && export LOGNAME="$(logname)" # # Expand MOUNT_SSHNFS_OPTIONS before arguments given to # mount_sshnfs.ksh. # By default we use IFS=$' \t\n' for argument splitting # c.args=( ${MOUNT_SSHNFS_OPTIONS-} "$@" ) # # Argument parsing # while getopts -a "${progname}" "${mount_sshnfs_usage}" OPT "${c.args[@]}" ; do case "${OPT}" in 'D') # fixme: Implement debugging option ;; *) usage "${progname}" "${mount_sshnfs_usage}" return $? ;; esac done (( saved_optind_m1=OPTIND-1 )) # remove options we just parsed from c.args for ((i=0 ; i < saved_optind_m1 ; i++)) ; do unset c.args[$i] done # # c.args mighth be a sparse array (e.g. "([1]=aaa [2]=bbb [4]=ccc)") # right now after we removed processed options/arguments. # For easier processing below we "reflow" the array back to a # normal linear layout (e.g. ([0]=aaa [1]=bbb [2]=ccc) # c.args=( "${c.args[@]}" ) # # Subcommand dispatcher # case "${c.args[0]-}" in 'mount') cmd_mount c return $? ;; 'umount') cmd_umount c return $? ;; 'status' | 'restart_forwarding') print -u2 -f $"%s: not implemented yet\n" "$0" return 2 ;; *) print -u2 -f $"%s: Unknown command %q\n" \ "$0" "${c.args[0]-}" usage "${progname}" "${mount_sshnfs_usage}" return 1 ;; esac # notreached } # # main # builtin cat builtin mkdir builtin basename typeset progname="${ basename "${0}" ; }" main "$@" exit $? # EOF.